You guessed it. We're not talking about Santa. The NSA and the world's big Internet and telecommunications companies have built a massive Surveillance Industrial Complex that undermines all our freedoms. We need to build our own infrastructure, one that values freedom, privacy, and security for all people. We need your help to do it.
Become a member of the Free Software Foundation today to help us reach our goal of $450,000 by January 31st.
The Free Software Foundation has been defending computer users' freedoms and privacy for nearly thirty years. No matter the political climate, we have always fought to defend the freedoms of all computer users. Today, in the face of mass surveillance, more people than ever are discovering that free software is a necessary cornerstone of a free society. With this momentum, we can turn our blueprints for a free software future into brick and mortar.
Since day one of the PRISM scandal, the FSF has been sounding the alarm. We've published high-profile op-eds in Wired and Slate, and as members of the Stop Watching Us coalition we marched on Washington to protest mass surveillance. And we're not just talking about the need for change; we're doing something about it. This September, we hosted a hackathon in honor of the GNU System's 30th anniversary, where participants made contributions to a dozen projects that form key building blocks of a surveillance-free future.
All the while, we've continued to build towards many more of the prerequisites for a free society, from working with hardware manufacturers to fighting DRM in HTML5.
With your support, we can do so much more in 2014.
The Free Software Foundation is only as powerful as our membership base; individual donations account for the majority of our funding each year. This has always been a grassroots, community-supported movement, and it always will be. This year, we need to meet our goal of $450,000 to build our vision for the free software movement. You can become a member of the FSF for just $10/month ($5/month for students); when you join, you'll get a variety of benefits, including free admission to our annual conference, LibrePlanet.
Please consider joining as a member to help us meet our fundraising goal by January 31st.
Every dollar you give helps to build us up.
Happy Hacking,
All of us at the Free Software Foundation
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