Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mozilla to Build Mobile OS for the Web

IDG News Service (07/25/11) Nancy Gohring

Mozilla plans to build Boot to Gecko (B2G), a complete, standalone operating system for mobile devices that will run applications primarily on the Web. Mozilla's Andreas Gal says the ultimate goal of the B2G project is "breaking the stranglehold of proprietary technologies over the mobile devices world." The initiative is the latest attempt to build effective technology that enables developers to write an application once and have it run on the various mobile phone platforms. Mozilla will likely use parts of Android, and lead developer Mike Shaver notes that the Android kernel and drivers offer a starting point that can already boot. The developers will work in the open, release the source code in real time, and work through standards groups for relevant pieces. "This project is in its infancy; some pieces of it are only captured in our heads today, others aren't fully explored," the developers say.

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