Monday, July 25, 2011

12 Things You See Every Day That Wouldn't Exist Without Linux

Linux is everywhere.
Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation, told us, "You use Linux every day but you don't know it. It's such a fundamental part of our lives.
"The world without Linux might be a very different place. It's one where computing is kind of crappy and homogeneous. You're still using Windows CE on your crappy Windows cell phone. That world is grim and dark and Linux is a reason why that world doesn't exist.
"It runs air traffic control, it runs your bank, and it runs nuclear submarines. Your life, money, and death is in Linux's hands, so we can keep you alive, clean you out, or kill you. It's incredible how important it is."
We checked around, and it's true. Linux is all over the place. We rounded up some of the less obvious and more offbeat things that depend upon Linux to function.

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